Endnote basic citation format
Endnote basic citation format

endnote basic citation format

Factors influencing community pharmacists' enrollment in a state prescription monitoring program.

  • Ulbrich TR, Dula CAC, Green CG, Porter K, Bennett MS.
  • Fixing your reference type will hopefully account for most issues. Sometimes it may come through as a generic reference, or even serial, and the citation will be incorrect. Make sure each reference in EndNote says “journal article” or whatever it is you’re citing. Check the following before finalizing a paper:

    endnote basic citation format

    You have some things to verify before signing off on the citations since it only knows what you tell it (or what the database tells it). "Cruciferous Vegetables and Cancer Prevention." Cancer Causes and Prevention, National Cancer Institute, 7 June 2012, you’re using EndNote, keep in mind it’s not an “import it and forget it” tool. Cruciferous vegetables and cancer prevention.

  • National Cancer Institute. Cruciferous vegetables and cancer prevention. Accessed December 17, 2018.
  • Remember that when you change the style in EndNote, it does the work of changing how the citation will look, based on the information you entered in your blank reference. Here is a sample Web page citation in several different format styles.
  • URL - Copy and paste the URL from your browser address bar.
  • Access Date - Enter the month, day, and year you looked at the Web page (e.g., April 5, 2014).
  • If none is given, enter "n.d." (for "no date"). If it is not, look for a copyright year at the bottom of the Web page.
  • Year - If the article is dated, use that year.
  • You may end up using the organization's name if no title is apparent.

    endnote basic citation format

    If there is not an obvious name, look at the URL for a clue. If not, use the name of the overall Web page. Title - If the article has its own title, use that.(This is to prevent EndNote from interpreting this as first/last names, which would erroneously result in a "person" named Society A.C.) If there is no individual named, you can use the organization as the author, such as "American Cancer Society" followed by a comma. Author - If there are one or more personal names associated with the specific page or article you are citing, enter them using the format "Smith, Sandra B." Use a return between each person's name.

    endnote basic citation format

    In the blank reference, use the "Reference Type" pull-down menu to change the selection from the default "Journal Article" to "Web Page." Type or paste in as much of the following information as you can ascertain (see screenshot below): In an EndNote library, go to References and choose New Reference. (Click here for a short video titled " Adding a Manual Reference to EndNote.") Keep in mind that Web sites can be tricky to cite because information is not always consistent or clear. In many or even most cases, it will be necessary to manually enter a new reference in EndNote if you are trying to cite a Web page.

  • Publications Co-authored or Contributed to by Library Staff.
  • The Making Cancer History® Voices Oral History Project.

  • Endnote basic citation format